The Nut Tree Pecan Cleaning Plant is one of Frank Wetherbee’s innovations from 1968. There were no Pecan Cleaning Plants at the time because nuts were hand harvested, so most ideas were born from necessity or copied from the almond and walnut processors in California.
Nut Trees capacity is 25,000,000 pounds in a single shift season, and we are working towards annual through put of 12,000,000 to 15,000,000 pounds. Innovation continues today with the first pin sorters in the state and electronic sorting that requires no back-up sorting with picking table labor.

Nut Tree Pecan cleaning is the only plant we know of with variable, three size sorting capability or the capacity of 40,000 pounds per hour of the highest quality output. Our goal is to achieve the highest value possible for our grower’s crop. We achieve this with a highly skilled, experienced, and dedicated team of people and a commitment to keeping up to date on all market dynamics both foreign and domestic. We understand that there are less expensive places to clean and market but none more prepared to get a crop to market with speed and condition for the highest value to the grower.
If a cleaning and marketing decision is in your future, we would be happy to discuss other aspects of our program from risk management to our robust pecan accounting and inventory programs.
Our experience, versatility and market knowledge creates the most value for your crop.